- Alea Mills, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories, USA, p53/p63/p73 mouse models
- Alexander Zaika, University of Miami, USA, The formation of protein adducts causes inactivation of p53 protein and its aggregation
- Antony Braithwaite, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, Elevated levels of Delta133p53beta isoform are found in Rheumatoid Arthritis patients with hyperproliferative synovium and exaggerated immune cell infiltration
- Bertrand Mollereau, ENS, University of Lyon, France, Combination of p53 isoforms define decision to induce autophagy (drosophila)
- Bjorn Gjertsen, University of Bergen, Norway, p53 isoforms and Axl raeceptor
- Caterina Missero, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy, Overlapping transcriptional programs downstream of p63 and p73 promote cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma
- Cecilia Levandowski (Taatjes lab), University of Colorado Boulder, USA, Role of D40p53 in ageing process
- Chandra Verma, A*Star, Singapore, p53 conformation
- Christian Gaiddon, CNRS, IRFAC, Strasbourg, France, p63 and ALS/immune response
- Claude Caron de Fromentel, CRCL, University of Lyon 1, France, p63/p73 isoforms
- Curtis Harris, NCI, NIH, Bethesda, USA, p53 ageing/ipsc/ neuron/immunology
- Daniele Bergamaschi, Queen Mary London University, London, UK, p63 and melanoma
- Elsa Flores, Moffitt Cancer Centre, Florida, USA, Unravelling the complexities of p63 and p73 to target mutant p53
- Gerry Melino, University of Cambridge, UK and University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy, Role of p53/p63/p73 isoforms in aging associated diseases
- James Manfredi, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, USA, Tissue-specific tumor suppressor functions of p53 in vivo
- Jean-Christophe Bourdon, University of Dundee, UK, The p53 isoform code
- Jeff Pollard, University of Edinburgh, UK, Dual role of macrophages in causing and repairing degeneratives diseases such as cancer and age-associated disease
- Jo Zhou, Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, Netherlands, Transcription factor p63: guardian of the epithelial cell fate?
- Joanna Zawacka-Pankau, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, Drug repositioning to target p73 for improved cancer therapy
- Juan Tena, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville, Spain, Roles of p63 during ectoderm specification (zebrafish)
- Jun Chen, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, p53 isoforms and heart regeneration (zebrafish)
- Kelly Avery-Kiejda, University of Newcastle, HMRI, Australia, The role of Δ40p53 in the response to DNA damaging therapies in breast cancer cells
- Klas Wiman, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, Rescue of missense and nonsense mutant p53: from bench to bedside
- Luisa Guerrini, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy, Identification of the p63 transcription factor as critical neosubstrates of CRL4CRBN associated with thalidomide teratogenicity
- Margareta Wilhelm, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, p53 controls genomic stability and temporal differentiation of human neural stem cells and affects neural organisation in human brain organoids
- Maria C. Marin, University of Leon, Spain, p73 an architect of epithelial tissue
- Massimo Levrero, CRCL, University of Lyon 1, France, p73 and virus
- Max Wellenstein (K. De Visser lab), Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Cancer cell-intrinsic p53 status dictates systemic pro-metastatic inflammation
- Michael Kastan, Duke Cancer Institute, Durham, USA, p53 splicing and irradiation
- Neda Slade, Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb, Croatia, Functional interplay between p53 and p53/p73 protein isoforms in human melanoma
- Pierre Roux, CNRS, CRBM, Montpellier, France, Δ133p53β and EMT
- Simon Mc Dade, Queen's University Belfast, UK, Functional genomics identifies a novel p53 induced ligand-independent TRAIL-R2/FLIP complex as a novel therapeutic vulnerability
- Sue Haupt, University of Melbourne, Australia, In the loop with p53: isoforms and cancer
- Thomas Meyer, Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Berlin, Germany, Role of p53 in the interplay between host cell and pathogens
- Ting Zhao, University of Zhejiang, China, p53 isoform delta113p53 promotes zebrafish heart regeneration via maintaining ROS homeostasis
- Tom Van Wezel, Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands, Germline mutation in exon beta
- Varda Rotter, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, p53 small reactivating molecules
- Volker Doetsch, Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany, Structure p63 protein
- Xinbin Chen, University of California at Davis, USA, Targeting the p53-Rbm38 loop for tumor suppression
- Yari Ciribilli, University of Trento, Italy, The impact of p53 isoforms expression in lung cancer
- Ygal Haupt, University of Melbourne, Australia, Targeting MDM proteins in wt and mutant p53 cancers